Iliac and SFA Intervention
Hands-on training for peripheral angioplasty
Hands-on training for peripheral angioplasty
Mentice Iliac/SFA Intervention designed for physicians and medical professionals to learn the fundamental interventional skills specific to peripheral artery diseases—extending from the iliac arteries through the superficial femoral artery and down to the popliteal artery. The module provides essential training in a learner-focused, risk-free environment.
The iliac and femoral arteries represent one of the earliest vascular beds to be addressed by residents and fellows in image-guided interventional therapies. The module offers an introduction to image-guided interventions in the peripheral arteries.
Procedural steps, the use of clinical devices and their associated risks, hands-on device manipulation skills, and complication management can all be learned, demonstrated, and assessed within the module. Combinations of access strategies to the iliac arteries and femoral lesions are available.
Careful planning of the procedure based on patient scenarios
Introduction to the clinical devices in peripheral angioplasty
Acquisition of technical and manipulation skills
Learning the procedural steps of iliac and SFA intervention
Managing complications in interventions
• Complete clinical scenarios for patient- oriented learning
• Over 20 Iliac and SFA cases with a variety of challenges
• Combinations of access strategies to maximize outcome in difficult cases
• Realistic device behavior requiring appropriate device selection
• Anatomically accurate and physics- based simulation
• Vital signs responsive to catheter manipulation and placement
• Complications such as ruptures
• Vital signs include AO pressure curves
• Bifemoral access (with optional VIST® G5/G7 extension)
• Tactile feedback in the lesion area
• Detailed metrics for assessment and debriefing
•Choose appropriate type of approach
• Navigate the iliac arteries, SFA and the aortic bifurcation
• Assess angiograms prior to treatment
• Assess the need for pre dilatation and associated risks
• Appropriately select balloon, balloon expandable stent or self-expanding stent
• Carefully and appropriately place balloons or stents
• Manage complications
• Evaluate the need for post dilatation
• Perform post-treatment angiograms
• Several cases with dual lesions and possible ruptures
VIST® G7 and G7+
Image-guided procedural VR trainer for clinicians and medical professionals
Contact us to learn more or see a web demo of this product