Radiation Safety
Hands-on training for radiation protection
Hands-on training for radiation protection
The Mentice Radiation Safety software is designed for physicians, nurses, and technicians who use interventional fluoroscopy equipment. Radiation carries with it serious risks both to the medical team and the patient. Learning proper radiation reduction techniques is therefore critical for all interventional procedures. This Mentice unique solution increases the value of the procedural training by adding a hands-on ALARA (as low as reasonably achievable) component.
The delivered dose affects the degree of noise on the fluoroscopy x-ray image, which opens for training on how to best manage difficult imaging situations. The system dynamically calculates realistic air kerma, KAP, ESD and PSD readings. Furthermore, a number of instructive visual heatmaps with live information on current dose distributions are displayed, both for patient skin dose and for scattered radiation to the operator and team including impact of protective gear.
LARA training for all cath lab personnel
Live and dynamic dose readings
Dose heatmaps to illustrate dose to patient and operator
Radiation protection training without real radiation
Available in all training software
• Evidence-based radiation model
• Modern operator controls based on real equipment
• Live readings of air kerma, KAP, ESD and PSD
• Rates and cumulative values displayed as on real fluoroscopy systems
• Live heatmap visualizations of patient exposure
• Live heatmap visualizations of operator exposure with and without protective gear
• Delivered dose realistically affects image quality
• Large patients affect delivered dose
• Visualization of radiation beam
• Dose warnings and notifications
• Physician organ doses displayed
• Patent technology (US patent US9323896)
• Balance between delivered dose and image quality – ALARA principle
• Understand and explore when and why high doses occur
• Learn proper use of cine and DSA, frame rate and fluoro store
• Use magnification, collimation, wedge filters, and virtual guidance to limit dose to areas out of interest
• Reduce dose for steep angulation or large patients
• Increase awareness of staff positions relative to direct beam and scatter
• Learn the benefits of using protective wear and shielding
VIST® G7 and G7+
Image-guided procedural VR trainer for clinicians and medical professionals
Contact us to learn more or see a web demo of this product